Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Let Me Explain...

It’s been a while since I have written a blog post and it’s about time I explain why.

After graduating I joined the many thousands on the job market. Everyone tells you how difficult it will be but you never think it will be that bad. I applied for dozens of jobs, daily, and although at first I did so with much enthusiasm after a few weeks I became distraught.

My goal has always been to enter postgraduate study but competition for places there is just as hard as for a job. I settled on wanting to apply for a Masters course for September 2015 entry and with fees being anywhere up to (and beyond) £10,000 I knew a job was vital. In September I went to an interview for 3 funded Masters positions but unfortunately wasn’t successful – another dent in my self belief.

During this time my anxiety got quite bad and there were days I could barely get out of the house. I was struck down with the panic at the thought that I would potentially stay unemployed for a very long time. I was lucky enough to get some Christmas temp jobs and started to save towards my goal.

At the beginning of November I got a phone call from someone who worked on the same floor I had had my Masters interview two months prior. I was told there was another funded position that they had just had come through and were looking for someone to start asap. He had spoken to my undergraduate project supervisors along with some of the people in my year and had my interview notes and they were ready to give me the placement.

So, now a month later that is where I am. I am back at university as a postgraduate student studying a Masters by research with the reconstructive surgery and regenerative medicine research group. I count my blessings because I know how lucky I was for this to fall in my lap.

Now that things are a lot more settled in my life I feel like I have the desire to be online and post things again.