Publisher: Hot Key Books
Series: N/A
Service: Own
Release Date: 15/05/2014
Pages: 240
Format: Paperback
Rating: ★★★★
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We are the Liars.
We are beautiful, privileged and live a life of carefree luxury.
We are cracked and broken.
A tale of tragedy.
Which are lies?
Which is truth?
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Why do you say that?
'We were liars' is stunning tale of lies and masks and the truth coming out. There was a lot of hype surrounding this book and I was drawn into seeing what it was all about and I do not regret it one bit!
E. Lockhart sets up a family who are proud to belong to the name Sinclair. It is easy to see why when you lay out the money, possessions and summer homes on an island that also belong to that surname. It seems so ideal that at first you may feel a pang of jealousy and want to belong to such a family. And then things begin to change.
The story is told from the point of view of the oldest Sinclair grandchild, Cadence, and revolves around her two cousins in similar age, Johnny and Mirren, and their friend Gat. Lockhart writes about idyllic summers where the four, christened 'the liars', enjoy each others company and bask in all the luxury around them. But as they grow up they become more aware of the family's in fights and that things are not always as perfect as they make out.
The book is split into five parts and part one moved a little slowly for me. However I am glad I persevered as the pace picks up as we progress through the story.
The unraveling of the Sinclair family was done in spectacular fashion. After the defining incident has occurred we, and Cadence, are left to piece together the story slowly. The conclusion of what happened was something I honestly did not see coming and yet I found it so fitting and a fulfilling ending. Lockhart executed her plot with perfection and I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes a good plot twist.
Memorable Quote
"Silence is a protective coating over pain."