I had the delight of taking my little sister to go and watch Wicked in Cardiff whilst it was on it's UK tour. We caught a train from Swansea and headed into Cardiff Bay around lunch time so we could grab some food. After diving into Pizza Express we gored our way through pizza and cake before deciding it would be best for us to head over and buy some merchandise before the show started.
Heading into the Wales Millennium Centre there were a few stand that were selling a variety of merchandise. The t shirt designs were absolutely beautiful as was the rest of the merchandise. I bought myself a lanyard and water bottle knowing that they were things that I would get some use out of. In the foyer they also had a board displaying the cast that were taking to the stage for out performance and a sweet shop that had a broom on the room and some legs with ruby slipped sticking out from the bottom. These little things made a lot of difference, teamed with the buzz from people waiting to go to their seats, excitement was definitely beginning to build.
Sai and I had bought tickets in a box where there were only three seats so it was a nice little section on our own, with a pretty great view of the stage and orchestra pit. We managed to get some great pictures with the backdrop.
I have the utmost respect for the set designers and costume designers. It was so fabulously green and the Emerald City scenes saw the cast in a variety of wild and wacky outfits would have made Lady GaGa jealous. I also have a massive amount of admiration for the orchestra pit, being a musician myself, I know it takes just as much time and commitment as the people that are on the stage.
Overall it was a thoroughly enjoyable day and I would highly recommend that you go and see Wicked if you have a chance. It was an experience I am sure I will never forget. Purely wicked!
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